Posts in Lifestyle
Money Management Tips I Wish I Knew In My Twenties

There is something whimsical about your twenties. You are no longer a child, yet not quite an adult as you enter into your twentieth year. By the time you exit your twenties you hope that you have made it through with grace and can take the knowledge you gained with you into your thirties

The overwhelming part is, in your twenties, you now are in charge of your education after a curriculum has been continuously given to you for years. You must now figure out life as well as how to maneuver it. It’s a huge responsibility, and one that depending on how you were brought up, can be an advantage or disadvantage. For me, it was the latter.

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Mexico Vacation Look Book & Resort

Recently my husband and I were able to visit Mexico and stay at an Adult only All-Inclusive resort. This was the first vacation we have had alone since we had children. 2012 was the last kid-free vacation we had. That was SEVEN years ago. I knew I wanted it to be a luxurious vacation, and boy did the resort deliver. We stayed at a place called

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Before You Plan That Vacation With Someone Ask Yourself These Questions

We are in the thick of summer, and a girls trip or family getaways can be refreshing to the soul. As long as you go with the RIGHT people. Not everyone is vacation compatible. I have been there, you invite friends with the best of intentions, and it becomes a disaster. I don't want you to endure that. I've learned my lesson, and I'm going to share with you some questions that you need to ask BEFORE the planning even begins.

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The Dark Side of Ego + Influence

We live in a digital age, that is not going to change anytime soon. I always say it's hard to be the first to do things because you are guaranteed to make mistakes and people are very quick to judge the steps you take while being able to learn from what you've done. If you would have told me 10-15 years ago that people could make a living from being an "influencer" I would have said you were lying. The truth is that only movie stars and those in the entertainment business had the option of being an influencer but now anyone with a camera can share their voice and story thanks t blogs, youtube etc.

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Tech Talk: 4 Ways To Take Great Pictures Of Your Kids

When it comes to capturing our children, it can be overwhelming at times. They love to be on the move, and sometimes you can’t get them to look straight into the camera. Does this mean you are doomed and won’t be able to get great pics? NOT AT ALL. today I’ll be sharing four tips to help you get some of the best pictures of your little ones.

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Five Things To Do When You Feel Like You're Not Where You Are Supposed To Be In Life.

Before social media, we would only see the life of those we knew personally. Now we have access to billions of peoples lives and it's just an explore page away. Seeing people announce their life accomplishments can make you start questioning where you are in your life and what are you doing? The truth is no one shares everything; you know the saying real G’s move in silence.

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Diffuser Blends All Moms Need In Their Arsenal For Cold Season

If you have a child in the school system you KNOW how their little immune systems can fail them. A barrage of germs every day means that they will share the love with the family back home. I personally got into essential oils because this year is my sons first year of school. I needed something for all of us to put up a defense.

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Soundtrack to my 2018

I’ve been blogging since 2013, and I love looking back and seeing my growth and also the things I am still working on. This year has been a whirlwind, and when I look back at the pictures, I am still in awe at how our little family survived the hard times, laughed at the great times and learned from the challenges. Ten songs have been on rotation for me all year. I want to share with you my journey through the year by song.

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5 Disney Inspired Stores that you need to be shopping at!

I am always on the lookout for cute stores that have Disney inspired clothing, ears, blankets, etc. There is something about cuddling up with a blanket of our favorite character and looking at the movie that is just so sweet. I also love doing photo shoots with babies and toddler wearing their ears surrounded by their (ok really their parents if they are babies lol) favorite characters.

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3 Essential oils that can help you combat Menstrual Cramps

Essential oils have been used for centuries, it was the medicine people took before you could drive to your local pharmacy and pick up whatever you needed. I have PCOS and with that comes cyst and lots of pain with my period. I remember growing up and falling over in class because my pain was so great. I was always carrying around OTC pain relievers because I never knew when my period would come and knock me off my feet(literally) I am all for finding a natural way to combat my pain when need be.

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How to pack a carry on for a seven day trip - Cold Weather edition

As a plus size woman AND heading to a place that has cooler temps then where I live(Seoul has a fall and winter. The temps were as low as 40's and highs were in the upper 60's) I had to make sure I also packed a coat and other warm clothing. Packing a carry on takes some planning but don 't worry I am here to help you out. It all starts before you even put your clothing in the suitcase.

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Simple Ground Turkey Chili Recipe

One of the earliest recipes I learned how to make was at six years of age,  chili was the easiest thing to make. I could cook the meat. throw everything in the pot and go about my business playing. Now the ingredients have changed just a bit and I am older and can actually cook without a step stool. There is just something about chili that makes you feel all warm and cozy. It's also an easy meal to make for large amounts of people.  Below is my favorite easy chili recipe.

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Why my husband isn't my soulmate and other lessons i've learned in 13 yrs of marriage.

know you’re reading the title and thinking. Oooooh, she does not have a happy marriage, How can you not look at your husband as a soulmate?The truth is I would never want that kind of pressure put on me, and so I don’t wish to put that on my husband.

Think about it. Growing up some people have had different best-friends depending on where they were in their life, and the romantic relationship is no different

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MY Nappily Ever After Story

"A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life" ~ Coco Chanel 

That quote has always stuck with me. I have had MANY hairstyles through the years(Honey blonde, platinum blonde, short Toni Braxton cut, Janet Jackson poetic justice box braids etc) I love to change it up. even when I had a bad experience with a haircut I was optimistic and realized that pushed me to change. 

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