A letter to my younger self and an invitation for others to find solace and inspiration in their own neurodivergent paths. #AnxietyAwareness #Neurodiversity #PersonalDevelopment #MentalHealthJourney"
Read MoreEven before becoming a parent, you hear about the terrible twos and threenager. But What if the breakdowns in emotions are more than just wanting to get their way? What is the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown? This article will help you not only find the difference but also learn how to handle a meltdown.
Read MoreAs an Autistic/ADHD Adult, raising two neurodivergent kids. It’s nice to be able to watch a cartoon where we all see ourselves. I share what convinced me that Bluey is neurodivergent as well.
Read MoreSummer is here and in the last two years many are venturing out for the first summer. Here are some fun activities you can do with your kids.
Read MoreSome feel that when a plus-size person decides to become more active and possibly lose weight that the act of losing weight is in fact fatphobic. How so? Well If you truly loved yourself then you woujld’t want to change anything about you right? You must dislike being fat and so losing weight is an outright attack against ALL plus-sized people. Boxing in a person at a particular weight and thinking they should never change is problematic within itself.
Read MoreI don’t think there is a parent out there with school-age kids calm and collected as this school year looms over our heads. Whether you are homeschooling or e-learning things will be very different than years before. Trying to figure out how to set up a space conducive for learning can be overwhelming.
Read MoreThe truth is, these discussions can be uncomfortable if you never have them. This is a conversation that you will regularly need because they are learning and need to be taught. To get something ingrained in your mind, you need repetition. You are also battling against biases that are in the world that they see on the daily. So what is a parent to do? What are some ways that you can make sure your home and parenting are diverse?
Read MoreWhen the stay at home order went into effect in March., I REALLY thought I would be saving money since I wasn’t going out as much. Then reality set in. I wanted to make wings at home since I couldn’t go get them, My kids were no longer able to play at the park or go to school. My dog couldn’t go to the park and run the energy off. I had to figure out a new way of life and what would work.
I wanted to share a few of the things I have bought while we were under the stay at home order. Granted some states are opening up but, for those of you who can stay home and have decided to do so a little longer here are some things that can make the stay a little easier on everyone in the family.
Read MoreSofa shopping has to be the best and worst shopping experience all wrapped up into one. You go to a showroom and under showroom lights, you pick out what you think will work best for your home. Hopefully, you have measurements so you don’t get caught up trying to make it fit when you get home.
Read MoreMommy guilt is high as we have taken on roles as teachers AND caregivers. We are the lunch lady and the chef for dinner. There are working from home mothers and Stay at home mothers who desperately need a break. Instead of saying who has it harder I wanted to come together and give you some survival tips.
Read MoreDating is interesting right now. I have to say that when I read this story earlier it tickled me and I love that these two thought outside the box. So many are at home and not going out because we are under stay at home orders, which means any nonessential travel should not happen. Does that mean you should stop dating your partner? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
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