Break Free From Chronological Journaling : Inspiring Prompts to Try
Since I was a teen, I would find myself journaling on and off. I would start and then stop. I put so much pressure on myself to make my journal look perfect that I just stopped. For years, I would try again, and it was the same thing; I would do great for about a month, and then I would stop because I would try and keep everything chronological. I also didn’t just want to write all my feelings down. Last year, I was thinking, what if I combined what I loved, scrapbooking and journaling? I went online to see if anyone else was doing that, and I was so excited to see a whole community of people doing this. Some call it junk journaling, where they keep “trash” or trinkets and place them in a journal with no words. Some have printers and print off photos and have colorful papers and stickers to decorate the pages and add a blurb about what they have done.
This vibrant, no-rules world of journaling was a revelation for me, especially as someone who is autistic and has ADHD. It gave my brain the freedom to create without constraints. I started this new journaling style last May, and I’ve already filled TWO entire books with thoughts, poems, pictures, and snapshots of life’s moments.
For the first time, I’ve found a journaling method that brings me joy consistently, and I can’t wait to share how I’ve kept that spark alive for over a year. Here are some prompts that have inspired my creativity and helped me stay connected to my journaling practice.
STOP TRYING TO JOURNAL CHRONOLOGICALLY! That puts so much pressure on you. I had two amazing trips, one in 2018 to South Korea and one in 2023 to Sandiego. I sure did journal about both. I printed off my pictures and, decorated the pages, and wrote the story about how I felt what I learned from the trips. It was such an excellent creative outlet. It is okay to journal about something that isn’t happening now. No one is grading your journal, so stop holding yourself to an impossible standard. This year, I want you to write, create, and share your life experiences so that you can look back and see how much fun and perseverance you had through the year.
New Album First Listen. Music has always held a special place in my heart. This prompt allows me to enjoy two of my hobbies. Pick an album—new or old—and listen to it with intention. You can sit down and put together a journal spread that you feel embodies the music. What was your first impression of the album? Write down your favorite songs. If you want to, you can expound on why they are your favorite, or you can just keep it simple and list the songs.
Create a journal spread out of washi tape or stickers. This is fun to do. You can keep the layout with the washi tape and stickers, or you can use it as a background for a journal entry. I liked choosing the washi tape and organizing it in a way that brought me joy.
Create a layout of your favorite book, movie, or TV quotes.
A place to store your cards. Journals are a great place to store cards you have received. I have been married for almost 20 years and have kept all my anniversary cards. I also have some from baby showers and condolences etc. Now, I am sprinkling them in my journals to have a place for them.
Song Lyrics. Do you have a favorite song that means so much to you? Write out the lyrics of the entire song in your journal. You can expound on why you like the song to keep it small and write a short lyric.
An event you have been to. What do you have going on in your life? Did you meet up for lunch? Go to a movie or a concert; maybe you went to the grocery store to pick up your favorite snack and watch your comfort movie—Journal about it. Talk about your feelings and your decision to go to said event. Your life doesn’t have to be full of events to journal about. You can journal about the walk you took that day a breakfast you made or even a phone call with a friend. Be creative, and believe me when I say you will look back on it and smile because you chose to write about a small detail in your life that brought you some joy.
The books you are reading: I know that a lot of people keep track of their books digitally and want to share. However, I like doing this just for me, what did I think about the book. Maybe you have read numerous of books from one author, write about what you like about the,. This journal page was one of my favorite to make last year. RThe “shelf” is just an old paper bag I had and I drew the wood print to make it look like a shelf. Have fun creating your layouts.
Drawings & Doodles It doesn’t matter if you can’t drwas, a simple doddle and a sentence about how you feel can be a great prompt and something you can look back on.
Favorite quotes. I love creating a page with favorite quotes. Sometimes it’s an inside joke, a quote that has helped me through life, a scripture, a favorite line from a movie or book. Whatever you choose. The creativity comes when you decorate your page and only YOU know why that quote is important to you. This is your chance to combine creativity and reflection in a way that’s uniquely yours.
Journaling doesn’t have to follow any rules—especially not chronological ones. Let go of the pressure to make it perfect and embrace a creative, flexible approach that truly reflects your life and passions. Whatever you are writing about, capturing favorite quotes, reflecting on music, or revisiting cherished memories, your journal is your space to explore and express.
So grab your supplies, pick a prompt that excites you, and start creating today. Don’t forget to share your favorite prompts or journaling spreads in the comments—I’d love to see what inspires you!"
Left is a A5 hardcover journal and on the right is a B5 softcover journal.
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