Im Fat.....AND?

Body positivity is something that I truly want to spread. I am fat and that is not a bad word. It’s descriptive. This is my body, it is ever changing and I know I must love it at whatever size it is. I also want to say that if you are plus size and trying to get healthy then that doesn’t mean you hate yourself. It just means you recognize that being healthy is important. Now weight loss MAY come with it, or it may not. The most important thing is that healthy doesn’t look the same for everyone.

Size doesn't matter. I have NEVER had high blood pressure or cholesterol, which most doctors feel is synonymous with being fat. The truth is that we all have flaws that we can pick about our selves. We are human and tend to look at the negative before the positive. We need to see our flaws as unique and what adds to our beauty. Noone is like us on this earth. Yes, I have rolls but that just makes me unique and I love how I feel about myself. I am Flawsome. I accept me for all of me.

I also feel like body positivity is especially important when you have children because they are always looking at your example. If you tell them they are beautiful no matter what but don't feel the same about yourself then they will see the hypocrisy. We need to cheer on all people no matter what size they are. We live in a society where being called fat is a bad thing. IT IS NOT!!! advertisement and media make it easy to see people airbrushed and photoshopped so we think we must look the same.

Lately, the body positivity movement has been pushed to embrace people of all sizes and that is good but seemingly it's starting to push out the bodies it was made for in the first place. FAT BODIES. We are here and we are just as beautiful as what the mainstream would have you believe is the only body of beauty.

I am here for plus size models like Ashley Grahm, Hunter McGrady, and Tabria Majors. They are showing the world that its ok to have rolls and curves.

My body is mine and all that matters is how I see it, I am def doing things to make sure I am healthy and can live a long life for the sake of my children. Every day I am running after them and we work out together. I think its so cute to see my son do pushups next to me. I want to say this again. Working out and caring about your overall health is not hating your fat body. It's CARING for your body and that is something we should ALL be doing.

For 2017 I worked really hard on my inside so I could learn to love my outside even more. I am so happy that with therapy, support from my husband and children and realizing worth. I can look in the mirror and love the person looking back at me.