Anti Haul - Beauty products I will not buy

There is a challenge video going on over on Youtube, the anti haul video is a a fun video to make. You don't have to spend money( Or maybe you did and you wouldn't recommend the product) and you get ot share your opinion on why those products aren't worth you spending money on.

There are about seven products I have listed in the video. I could have listed a few more but I didn't want the video to be too long. One product that I didn't list was one that I personally bought and that was the ABH Renaissance palette. I LOVE a few of the colors ( Love letter, Venitian red and Red ocher are my fave) However the amount of FALL OUT is RIDICULOUS!


I own the ABH World Travler palette and that is amazing, no fall out and one of my favorite everyday palette to use.  I am so sad that it was only limited time.


Seriously if you can get your hands on that palette do so! My sister came to visit and I bought two because I loved it so much and I gave her my other one and she said its her favorite as well. Anyway this blog post is NOT about products I love lol. Below you can see what products made my Anti- Haul list.


What would be on your anti haul list? Tell me in the comments bellow