You GLOW Girl!!!

The other day I was scrolling through some comments on my youtube page and came across a comment that made me chuckle to myself. It was on a video I had made of just a lazy Sunday with my family and us cooking a meal. In that video my husband and I talked about one of our favorite mini doughnut places and it just so happen that in that week we visited three times. We had guest over and friends of our wanted to go there.This comment said something to the fact that I shouldn’t eat the doughnuts and my husband is just worried about my size and I need to get healthy so I can have a long and happy life.



I always laugh a little when I read these “concerns”

I have battled eating disorder after eating disorder and although my BMI may be high my health is GOOD. NO high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes etc. You know…all the health risk that people think automatically comes with being overweight.

I  let their comment roll of my back(since they hid behind a profile with no pic like a real concerned person lol) I decided to just go on about my day.When I first started youtube I would really let it get to me but now I was going to be my fabulous self no matter what. I came across this picture and I was immediately inspired.

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Both my kids had taken a nap. I looked in my backyard and was like YEP I am going to photograph myself and show off my blackgirl magic. I am going to embrace all these curves, my natural hair and just WORK IT. Here are the results:


YESSSSSSS I am so happy that they turned out just how I envisioned in my head. So ethereal, calming and it captured me. I think its so important for us to love ourselves no matter what size we are. Self care and self love is so important and is something I am excited about teaching my son and daughter.

So many times I see people hide behind a computer screen and project their insecurities on others. Do not let those keyboard warriors take about your joy. You are beautiful.

What are some ways that you practice Self care? Let me know down in the comments

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