Kiera's Labor and Delivery Story

IMG_8146I am part of the small population that HATES being pregnant. Don't get me wrong I am in awe at what the body can do when creating life. I am however, not a great pregnant person. All four of my pregnancies I have had issues with being sick. If I had a easy pregnancy I am sure I would have more babies, but for now I am done with my two. On the bright side even though I have had rough pregnancies my labors have been amazing and short, I would have a baby over and over if I didn't have to be pregnant to do so. Here is the story of how Kiera came into the world and made us a family of four.

My labor story began when I was 35 weeks. I didn't haveΒ prodromal labor with my son so when I would get out my contraction counter and start timing my contractions, I would get excited to meet my baby girl. However, they would stop just as soon as they started to intensify. I went into the hospital at 37 weeks (got sent home) 38 weeks (sent home again). Wednesday August 17th at 8pm I was 38 weeks 6 days and my contractions started. I decided that I would time them and I didn't get any sleep that entire night. I was bouncing on my birthing ball and getting really excited. My contractions were picking up. I went from every 9 min to every 5 min and then at 8am on Thursday August 18th they STOPPED!!!!


I felt so defeated. I was so over false labor and cried my eyes out all morning. I told my husband I was tired and done. At 2:30pm I told my husband that since I didn't get any sleep the night before I needed to get a nap in. At 4:30 I woke up to intense pressure, but I attributed that to me having to pee. As soon as I stood up I felt my water break. (I knew it was my water because my water broke with my son) So here I am in disbelief because I was just crying about still being pregnant earlier. I called my husband and said "babe my water broke" We already had the bags packed. It was storming out and we got on the road at 5pm (Tampa bay traffic during rush hour is a MESS and I am so glad that it wasn't too bad that day.) My hospital was 45min away and we met a friend to pick up our son and headed into triage to see if they would keep me (I knew they would).

I got to the hospital at 6:00 pm and was checked. I was admitted at 7pm and my contractions still weren't picking up. I waited an hour before I started the pitocin. I had to use pitocin for my sons as well because my contractions wouldn't pick up so I knew the drill. I started PIT at 8pm and by 9pm I was in so much pain I asked for an epidural.

Before Pitocin was to much. We were excited we were having a baby

Got the epidural at 9:30 and I was feeling great (I was only at 4pm so I still had a little ways before I could push.) We had some friends come and visit us and at about 11:00pm I told them I wanted to rest a little bit. They left and like 15 min later I told my husband I felt pressure and needed to push. Our nurse came in to check and she said I was ready to have a baby!!!!


My midwife who was suppose to deliver me was actually at another hospital delivering another baby. So they had to call her back up(who was actually the MD who delivered my son almost three yrs ago, so that was nice) She makes that drive all the time so she told the nurse she would be there in 12 min. It was about 11:40 at this time I was REALLY feeling the urge to push. The nurses set up the room and asks me not to push because there was no doctor there. So I just breathed through the contractions and focused on NOT pushing. My daughter had meconium in her water( that means baby pooped in utero so they make sure baby is not in distress when she comes out)

My OB made it there at about 12:05(she had a flat tire on the way there so that is what took her so long.) She literally walked in, put on her booties and a robe and told me to push when I was ready. 3 1/2 pushes(is what my husband said, I think it was 4) and Kiera Autumn made her way earth side. My husband had to quick cut her cord because they needed to make sure she didn't aspirate any of the meconium. I didn't cry like I didn't with the birth of my son. I was content like I watched them check her out and when they brought her over to me for skin to skin time she immediately latched and began breastfeeding. That was such a magical moment for me. She and I were in tune and it felt like we were the only two in the world.




Kiera was born at 12:15am on Friday August 19th. She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and was 20 1/2 in long. My son was able to come later that day at 11:00am so he could meet his sister for the first time. He was not sure what to make of her lol




Now that we are home he loves his little sister and she is exactly what we needed in our life. When I lost a baby in october of 2015 I never would have thought I would be blessed to find out I was expecting a month later. We are all so happy that Kiera is here and can't wait to see her grow up. We will be uploading a birth vlog in the next few weeks so keep your eye out for that on my channel.


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