What's in my Hospital Bag - 2nd time mom

I am currently 2 1/2 weeks away from my due date and waiting anxiously for my little girl to make her way earth side. I know I have neglected this blog and for that I am sorry. I have not only had a rough pregnancy but the things going on in the news have really taken a toll on me as well and i decided to step away for a little bit.I appreciate all you and your patience with me. I will be back to my blog post soon but for right now I am focusing on bringing a healthy baby girl into the world and dealing with the false labor I have had the past few weeks lol.

If you are a first time mom and wondering what you need to back in your hospital bag, look no further. since this is my 2nd time around I have leanrned that there really is no need to overpack. I GOT YOU! Here is the latest video on my channel that tells you what you need. Can't wait to come back and share with you my little girl.

Much love Amber

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G56G4NTuVyk]