30 and Gone with the Wind Fabulous

It's crazy to think that I will be 30 in less than a week.There are two times in my life that I remember thinking man 30 is old!

1. Being five years old and my younger sister was born and hearing my mom say I can't believe I have three kids at 30.

2.  My youngest sister being born when I was 14 and thinking to myself wow when my sister gets her license I will be...30 NO WAY!!

Little did I know that 30 really isn't that old but to a child it seems like a life time away. In reality it comes in a blink of an eye. I have had MANY life changing things happen in my life that have made me the woman I am today. These experiences have given me life lessons that I hope to pass onto my son one day. Maybe you can relate to some. Here are my

30 lessons that I have learned in 30 years

1. People will have opinions of you. They are only opinions they don't have to define who you are.

2. Love NEVER fails. You just have to be willing to put the work in.

3. Know you're worth. Once you figure it out people will treat you accordingly.

4. It's ok to have only a handful of close friends, Life is not a popularity contest.

5. Some people are meant to be in you life forever others are just short time passengers in this journey called life and that's ok.

6. Having tact can get you very far in life. Speak to people the way you want to be spoken to.

7. It's ok to have standards and you are not judging others if you don't want to participate in anything that's below those standards that you've set for yourself.

8. If you have a gut feeling about something. LISTEN TO IT!

9. You don't have to "train" a man to respect you,open doors for you,pull out a chair or treat you like a lady. There are still men out there that are made that way :)

10. Change is a good thing, it's ok to learn from your past, but if that is all you talk about its time to analyze why you're stuck in the past and missing out on your future.

11. Your hair doesn't define you :)

12. Stop comparing yourself with others. You don't really know what struggles a person has gone through. Focus on your goals and you'll get there.

13. Learn how to tell people off with a smile.

14. It always seems impossible until it’s done. The word itself says I’m possible.

15. It's ok to act like a child sometimes. Go to a park,have a water balloon fight, jump rope,play tag,dance like no ones watching.

16. Never settle for less than your best

17. Learn to keep some things private. In this day and age of share everything; it's nice to have some mystery.

18. If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.

19. Laughter IS and always will be the best medicine.

20. When it's time to marry make sure he is your best friend and that god is part of that three fold cord. No one should be able to break it (even you)

21. Cherish your grandparents. They have so much wisdom to give us. (I lost my grandmother at 17 and I miss her everyday)

22. Whether you are single,in a relationship or married. It's important to be happy with yourself before you try to be happy with anyone else.

23.  There is no need to argue with an idiot. They will win every time and beat you with experience.

24. Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy. The truth will eventually come out.

25. You find out who you true friends are when you go through life changing experiences.

26. Don't hold a grudge. When you forgive it brings you happiness.

27.  It's ok to call it a night at 9:00 Pm. Just go home, who cares if people call you old at least you'll be well rested and not have bags under you eyes lol

28.   Be willing to try things new at least once you never know what you're missing.

29. Go on an amazing vacation. Doesn't matter where but turn off your phone and just enjoy being in the NOW

30.  Continue to challenge yourself and learn as much as you can.You will never know everything in life.