We Should Empower Mothers, Not Judge Them
From the moment you receive the news that you are expecting, things change drastically in your life. You are no longer living for yourself; your body is now living for two, and its a huge responsibility. They are so many thoughts running through your mind. What kind of mother will you be? Will you spank? Will you vaccinate? Will you have a healthy child? Will you formula feed or breastfeed? Will, you co-sleep or will you put them in their bed? Etc etc
There are so many questions to be answered. There are also things you may be SURE you will NEVER do with your child, and when they get here, you may change your mind and realize the stuff that swore you would never do are the exact things that save your sanity. No matter who you ask people will tell you that every child is different, but people are quick to judge when you raise YOUR child different from them.
“The truth is that women had more babies back in the day, but they also had a tangible village. They had their families nearby, and they had neighbors who would check in on them. They had the help that many mothers of today do not have.”
Parenthood is so hard without having to worry about judgment. The fact is unless someone is putting a child in immediate danger, then NO ONE should be speaking about or judging the way a person raises their child.
We need to be empowering mothers. If someone tells us that they are looking into an avenue of parenting that we didn’t choose we shouldn’t say: “Well this is what worked for MY baby” we should be saying “Here is a great article that may help you, I didn’t do it that way, but I want you to make the right call for your family”
Ego has no place in motherhood, and sadly, so many people have their ego hurt, or they feel like someone is telling them the way they parent is wrong. The truth is we all are different. We have different lifestyles, how we are raised, traumas etc. and we have the right to choose how we want to parent.
The one constant that is needed is to empower mothers. You can do that by offering help! Help with cooking, cleaning, watching kids. So many people know the saying: "It takes a village” but in the same breathe that people say that they also say “well I didn’t have help and I survived” The truth is that women had more babies back in the day, but they also had a tangible village. They had their families nearby, and they had neighbors who would check in on them. They had the help that many mothers of today do not have. They didn’t have to deal with walking into a public place and having someone take a picture and post it on social media to shame you. Because of this lack of village women now days reach out to other moms through social media and its a catch 22. You share a part of yourself to make you feel like you are not alone but get judged harshly in the process.
We have enough to deal with as mothers we don’t need the judgment of countless people. You can be educated in the MANY ways there are to raise a child, read all the same articles, and STILL, parent differently. Why? Well, we are all individuals, our upbringings, personalities, backgrounds, temperament, etc. are different. The moment we recognize that and focus on empowering mothers instead of judging them, then the world would be a far better place.