Like over Life

I am a unique Millennial. One that was born early enough that in my teen years I didn't have to navigate social media. I am so grateful that It wasn't until I was in my 20's that I even had a myspace. I was able to make a lot of mistakes and learn from them without the world to see.

Technology and social media have come a long way and I love that I have internet friends that I haven't been able to meet in real life.  Yet, we have seen each other through pregnancy, childbirth, toxic family members, moves, change in relationships and raising our children. If it wasn't for social media I wouldn't have these wonderful people in my life or be able to keep in contact with those I know who live far away.

Sadly, with the advances in social media happening so fast it didn't come with an instruction book and I see more and more people getting wrapped up in likes and not living their life. It is easy to do, it's human nature to feel some way when you see those likes roll in, someone agrees with, likes your post. It's a validation that you are doing something that someone agrees with. Its ok to feel giddy. The problem lies with chasing that feeling. Chasing after that high. We need to have a balance. Taking a break from social media is great.

We have to recharge and see that life isn't all about likes. Just yesterday at  Youtube headquarters in San Bruno, south of San Francisco. A young woman who was upset because she FELT that youtube didn't help grow smaller channels, decided to shoot up the headquarters. She injured four and took her own life.  This is an extreme case but there are many out there who have decided to take their own life due to bullying and not receiving likes on social media.

What are some things you can do or think about that you can help you personally stop striving for the likes?

  1. Disconnect. That is the best way, give yourself a technology detox. It's everywhere but stepping away for even a day you will be surprised how refreshing it is. Forget the phone at home and just enjoy your day. believe me when I say that just because you don't document it, you will still have a great day.

  2. Realize that what you see may not always be the truth. No one wants to show the negative and sad in their life. We are taught from a young age to put our best foot forward. The truth is that we all have down days and we need to recognize that the image people portray on social media is not reality. Who remembers Bow Wow getting caught in a lie about flying on a private jet? there really is no reason to try and STUNT on social media. Be your authentic self and you will be good.

  3. It takes work to become successful There are no shortcuts to success. Yes, you can see a few people who seem to have "no talent" make it big. the truth is that it takes work. You don't see what happens behind the scenes. When someone becomes an "overnight" success, chances are they have been putting the work for years. So don't compare your journey with someone else's. Sucess looks different for everyone.

  4. Make plans to meet up in person and KEEP those plans. It's very easy to get caught up in thinking that when you follow someone on social media you know them. Truth is that people only show a SMALL percentage of their life and personality online. The best way to get to know someone is talking to them face to face. So pull out that phone and make plans with a friend.

  5. Be yourself. With over 7 billion people in the world, there is no reason for you to act like anyone else but you. You don't need to look for likes. No matter what you like someone on this earth will like what you do. Even if two photographers take a pic of the SAME thing the pic will look different based on editing, angle the photographer takes the pic etc. So embrace your uniqueness. If your likes aren't poppin' that is ok. Likes do not equal happiness.

In 2018 make it a goal to get out an live life. Go to concerts, take a walk, a vacation, go to events all without sharing what you've done on social media. Live your life without the possibilities that a like will follow.

What are some goals you have set for yourself when it comes to technology? Let me know in the comments below.