Milk Bath photoshoot - How to

I have nursed collectively for 3 1/2 years. August is breastfeeding awareness month an I wanted to do something to celebrate the milestones I have achieved in nursing. I have been wanting to do a milk bath photo shoot F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I decided I was going to do one once I hit the 1 year  milestone of nursing my youngest.

My son was so excited to help me set up the photo shoot :)


He was so excited to help me set the flowers in place and pour the milk into the tub. Now for this shoot I filled the tub up to my liking and used 1 1/2 gallons of whole milk so I could get the color I desired. You could add more milk so that it would look more white or you could use less to get an opaque look. It depends on what you are going for.

I also used greenery to get a little texture into the shots but they ended up sinking so in the future I would probably use plastic greenery and spray them with scotch guard so they don't sink. Using real flowers you are guaranteed that they will float. If you want to use plastic make sure to use scotch guard. Also a little tip. The mums(big yellow flowers) look amazing but when the kids get a hold of them and shred them, its a BEAST to clean lol.

I don't have any natural light in my bathroom so I used three LED lights and a diffuser to simulate daytime. One pointed up at the ceiling, second one behind the diffuser and the third was behind me in the shower.

All in all I am so happy with the results I got from my photo shoot. I want to thank my husband for hearing my vision and executing it.


These last two photos mean so much to me. I may not be a size 4 but that belly homed FOUR babies and brought two earthside. I was blessed and able to nourish those two babies and watch them grow(still doing it with my daughter)

I hope these inspire you to do a milkbath shoot of your own, get one done(You could even hire Razmus Photography to do so)  or at the very least take more pics with your kids. they are only young once so capture these fleeting moments one picture at a time.