Inside Out


Tomorrow the release of the latest Pixar movie is here. Imagine my surprise when I received it in the mail TODAY! (thank you Disney movie club) My family and I went to see this movie opening day this past june and we ALL loved it. My two-year old sat through the entire movie(We also loved the short LAVA the song get stuck in our heads)

The movie that encourages you to get in touch with your feelings. Such a great them not only for kids but adults as well. Before the movie came out I just KNEW I would be a fan of joy, she was like me, she was always looking on the bright side of things and always wanted the people that she loved to be happy.

That has always been the Amber that I have presented to the world. I don't like to cry in front of people. I don't like to be sad around people because I feel like I would bring them down. I always felt there was enough sadness in the world and I didn't need to add to it but showing mine.

in my 32 years I have always felt that way. Well I sat down and watched this movie with my son I realized that sadness is really my favorite character. I have had some very sad moments in my life and I have never been honest with people about how they truly affect me.

There is a scene in the movie where a character is sad because he lost something important to him, Joy is doing her best to make him laugh but that is not what he needed. He needed sadness to hear how he felt and let him express that sadness he had. It was like a light bulb went off for me. I GOT IT! It is ok to be sad, it's okay to show your true feelings, it's ok to make someone uncomfortable because you need to cry, It's ok to say you're NOT ok.

Thank you Disney for showing me that before you have joy sometimes sadness plays a part. I have accepted that fact in every asset of my life(relationships, friendships, with family) but I have never accepted that with the relationship with myself.

I am ok with saying I am not ok and I am taking life one day at a time. I know I don't always need to smile when I am around people. I appreciate my friends and family because they have NEVER put that kind of pressure on me, I did it to myself.

So let this be a lesson. It is ok to cry, let it out. You will be glad you did and when you are done I am sure that joy will find its way to you