Havana Fro Unit Review


I am late to the Wig game and I am mad at myself! I love doing protective styles but I have a problem of keeping them in for longer than three weeks. With a wig you can have the versatility of different hair styles and the ability to change it up within a week. I love that. I decided to try out fingercomber's Havana Fro Unit.  I had been searching for a while on YouTube and blogs and this picture right here is what made me decide to go with this unit.

Do you SEE that Diana Ross realness that this unit is giving? I was SOLD and I placed my order. It wasn't until after my order that I had read some reviews about how it took over two months to receive the unit and I was worried. Well I placed my Order on April 1st and I received it on April 8th. That is AMAZING shipping if you ask me.

This unit is easy to clean and you have to detangle it. Since I am a natural I am used to having to detangle so this was not a con in my book. Just remember to always start at the ends and work your way up to detangle. The unit has two combs. One in back and one in the front. It is also adjustable.


There are so many versatile styles that you can do with this unit. You can do up do's I especially love the fact that you can put havana twist in(I am looking forward to rocking that) as well as a big puff or just wear it out. I will be attending a wedding next week and I am thinking of the many ways I can rock this unit. I can't wait. Below are a few hairstyles that I have rocked since receiving this.It is only a half wig so you will have to leave hair out and try to blend,that process was easy to do.  All in all I would recommend this wig
