Be Yourself

I was perusing the internet today and somehow I always seem to stumble across crazy things. I stumbled across an article entitled :Women with natural hair have low self-esteem. Below is a paragraph from the article.

"According to the study by Bountiful Hair, natural hair being viewed as a messy look is causing many women, who wear their hair in that manner, to feel inadequate and less desirable as their counterparts. Those feelings of inadequacy causes women with natural hair to lash out at women with treated or straightened hair, and in turn lowers their self-esteem"

What now? I guess this "Study" questioned 3,000 natural women and 2,500 said that they didn't feel pretty as a natural women.I weep for them.

What kind of study was this? and how controlled was is? I truly believe that you should do WHATEVER you want to YOUR hair that makes you happy. Who am I to try to tell you that being natural is the only way of life. What I will say is don't think that just because you watch 1,000 YouTube tutorial that YOUR curls will look the same. Also not all products work for your hair type.

I think many women go into the natural route thinking that they can change their hair texture and turn it into something it's not. As much as I would love to have Tracee ellis Ross hair

Tracee Ellis Ross

I know that the texture that grows from my scalp is one of a kind. I have learned what works for my hair and what does not. I realize that I will never have the same style as someone else and that is ok. I am comfortable in my skin and being my own person.


To many people join the natural movement and think its easy. umm no! you have to set your hair two -three days before you may get it to look the way you want it to look( I love 2nd and 3rd day hair the best myself) you have to show your hair some TLC. When I say that I can't do anything because I'm washing my hair I mean it! wash day is a spa day for my hair. I need to show her some love. 

Being natural is not for every one. I repeat..NOT FOR EVERY ONE. I can't stand people who tell you how you should do your hair, that is one of the reasons that in my hair videos I make sure to tell you these are MY thoughts and that this may not work for everyone. If you like to have your hair fried, dyed and laid to the side then rock it. There is no need for us as women to try to bring down another women just because she isn't rocking the style WE feel SHE should.


We also need to be aware that only WE can allow someone to make us feel inferior or have low self-esteem. We have to make it our aim to love ourselves even if no one else does. We are our #1 fan. I will say this. You are beautiful no matter your size, hair color, color of your skin etc.  Don't you forget that, just live your life and be yourself