DIY : Fruit Roll Ups


I try to limit my sons sugar intake. It's because as children, his father and I both did not take well to sugar we were CRAZY lol. We both were very hyperactive after eating sugar, my husband was actually sensitive to anything with red food dye.

We don't ban sugar we just limit the intake. My son has had cookies and a sip of sprite once or twice but I am always on the look out for snacks that we can make at home that are made from real food and not packaged.

I discovered a great recipe that I wanted to try and it turned out GREAT. I wanted to share with you

Ingredients :

2- 3 cups fruit of your choice

1 Tbsp of Honey(or sweetener or your choice i.e maple or agave necture


Wash all fruit (cut off stems, seed etc)  place all ingredients in blender and mix until smooth.


Pour ingrΓ©dients on baking sheet lined with Parchment paper. Using a spatula, spread across backing sheet as even as possible. Fill in thin spots with fruit mix. I pre heated the oven to 225 degrees but depending on the fruit you use you may have to bring temp down lower or higher.


Bake anywhere from 2-3 hours. Just keep an eye on it. You know its done when it does not stick to your finger when you check it. take out of oven, let cool down. Once cool you can cut it intro strips. There you have it DIY Fruit Roll Ups, even better than the ones you buy pre made.
