LIES the Real Tells about breastfeeding

I have been a fan of The Real since they had their testing season last summer. I liked that it was a show with minorities that you don't often get to see on television so I of course tuned in to support them. What I saw yesterday was ANYTHING but support. I was very saddened that they chose their platform to bash breastfeeding.

Now I may not choose to breastfeed my child until they are 6 years of age but the women who have: can.  You know why? THEIR BODY, THEIR BUSINESS. I am sadden that they didn't have an expert on there to explain to them that a child can self wean between the ages of 2-7 yrs and that is NORMAL. I am sad that Tamera, who owns a company that is in place to help women UP their supply, feels that she is a breastfeeding advocate BUT only until a year of age.She also stated that if a child can ask for it and unbutton your shirt you should stop. I'm sure her son ask for food, does that mean that she won't give it to him because he used his words and asked for it? Also I know children who weren't breastfed and they try to pull down their mothers shirt(breastfeeding babies aren't the only ones who get comfort from a mothers chest) Let's not even get started with Tamar and her statement of milk going rancid after a certain time.

These women are entitled to their opinion however the platform that they have will already have some wine feel like they shouldn't breastfeed or extended breasted. Minorities are already the LOWEST group to breasted their children(and african american women are least likely to do so) I was shocked the ones who were speaking down about it the most were two african american ladies.

I have said time and time again that education is key. Breastmilk and it's benefits don't stop at the age of one. The same vitamins and nutrients that a baby gets is the same that a toddler or CHILD gets. My son is almost 1 1/2 and when I was pregnant I thought I wouldn't do it until 1 but after i educated myself I decided that I would let my child let me know when he was ready to quit. We live in a society where people would look at you crazy if you tried to drag your child and make them walk when they aren't ready BUT when a child doesn't feel like they are ready to wean and they are over the age of 1 people are told they should pump.

I am sorry but YOU pump if that is what YOU want to do, What someone else wants to do with THEIR body is THEIR business. I am sad that this segment was even tapped and shown. The same women that they are talking about here are the same women that help their business be successful as well as their show getting picked up. There are plenty of times where I am nursing my son as I watch their show. You better believe that I had something to say and I tweeted how I felt. I also wrote on the host walls on instagram.

Women shouldn't be made to feel ashamed because of the parenting choices that they make. I find it ironic that the same day this posted a commercial from a formula company went viral and their message is great.

No matter what we choose at the end of the day we are all parents. We are just trying to do the best that we can. I would never try and shame these host that have breastfed for a shorter period than I have because that was THEIR choice and it worked for THEIR family.

If you are extended breastfeeding do it with PRIDE and if you are thinking about breastfeeding, educate yourself. See a lactation consultant, join a FB group that will support you and hang in there.


I encourage you to tell the ladies at the Real how you feel about their discussion on breastfeeding

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