I've got a feeling....


That 2015 will be an amazing year. That's right I said it. With only 1 week down of this year I'm calling it. This year I have three big life anniversaries. I will have been baptized in my faith for 20 yrs, I'll have a two year old son and I will also be celebrating my 10 yr wedding anniversary. So much joy to look forward too and be thankful.

Many people are big on resolutions that they want to accomplish. I'm more of a short term, long term goal person. I think it's important to set realistic goals for yourself so that you aren't disappointed

Here are a few of my short term

  • Read the Bible Daily (one I have every year

  • Continue having weekly date nights each week with my husband(a tradition we have held since we got married in 2005)

  • Add a new recipe to ur meals each week(just made lamb gyro this week and they were delish)

  • Continue to find at least one thing to be happy about everyday

So what are some of your short term goals? Start small and build from there. Are you in a long term realitionship? Keep the romance a love by having weekly date night. Need some suggestions ,check out my 40 date night ideas. Have kids and still need to find time for date night? Check out my friend Jennifer's suggestions on her blog.

Short term goals can be ANYTHING you want them to be. Use your imagination and have fun enjoying 2015 one day at a time.
