Things I SWORE I would NEVER do when I became a mom

If you are a mom you've been there. Your friend has a child and for a split second while you cuddle that adorable baby you want one. You also make a mental list of things you're not going to do when when your friend vents to you about the struggles she having.

I'm not ashamed to admit it, I've don't it. We all say that we want to live in a judgment free world but we are imperfect therefore we all judge. I've just learned to keep my thoughts to myself. :)

My son will soon be 1(that I can't believe in itself) but I have been thinking about the things I swore I would NEVER do when I have a child and I can't help but laugh at myself now lol. Here are a few things :)

1. Co-sleepThis one I swore would never happen. There are parents that stick to this rule and keep their bed and even bedroom off limits. There are many ways to cosleep, you can have baby in the bed with you or have a co sleeper attached to the bed. Putting a crib in your room is even considered co sleeping. That first week I started with baby in a co sleeper next to the bed and slowly but surely he made his way INTO our bed. There are times when I would like to just share with my husband but the benefits are what made us decided to bed share.When baby and mom SAFELY cosleep together it can cut down on SIDS. My husband and I are not heavy drinkers(even when we drink socially we know our limit and stick with that) we don't take medications for sleeping or pain so we would be alert. Around the world families share a bed with their child for at least a year. I have found that it helps keep the breastfeeding relationship going , all you have to do is roll over and pop in a boob lol.  Here are some of  the benefits of cosleeping.

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2. Breastfeeding a baby with teethI'm not going to lie this frightened me more than the thought of giving birth! I was adamant not to breastfeed when baby had teeth. I did research and found that many babies would get them 10-18 months on average. So I was sure I could make it to my goal of one year of breastfeeding. Of course my son got TWO teeth at 5 months. I knew the benefits of breast-milk outweighed the temporary pain of him figuring out how to use those teeth. Here we are 10 months 8 teeth into our breastfeeding journey and my goal is to make it to at least two years. Who knows we may go past two years it all depends on how comfortable my son and I are. This leads to my number 3


3. Extended breastfeedingMy mother breastfed my youngest sister until five and as a teen I felt embarrassed but I should have supported my mother. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing. It cuts down on baby being sick and is the easy on their digestive system. This is not a knock on formula feeding moms. Sometimes you have to formula feed OR you just want to and that's your choice. You however can't argue with the fact that breast-milk is made for baby and formula is trying to get as close as possible to the nutrients that are found in breastmilk. Also the AAP advised that babies should breastfeed for at least 2yrs(around the world the norm is 4) I will continue my breastfeeding relationship for as long as my son wants and of people have a problem then I say wear a cover over yourself so you can't see :)


4. Sing along to little kid songs and play them in the carYES I have become one of those parents but hey I'd rather sing a few bars of Old McDonald to calm my son down in the car then stop and get him out and then try to get on the road again. I don't know why Old McDonald calms him down but I will woof woof here and a woof woof there all day lol. And some of those songs are really catchy (if all of the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops oh what a rain that would be...BEST SONG EVER)

5. Join a baby gymWhy would a baby need a gym? Ok they don't but when you are a stay at home mom and most of your friends work you NEED some adult conversation. A baby gym is a great place to meet other moms and burn off that energy that your baby has :) we have been apart of a baby gym since my son was 4 months and he actually smiles once we go up the stairs and he sees the door to the gym. He knows it's fun time :)

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That is just a few things I said I wouldn't do. How about you? Are there things you said you would never do and changed your mind? Are you childless and know what you don't want to do? Comment below I would love to hear your thoughts

Remember we are all individuals. No one will raise their child the same but we all love them with our whole being and that is what is important :)