Adventures in Babywearing

I can remember seeing everyone with a baby Bjorn before having a child. I thought that was such a neat idea. Everyone knows that babies can cling to you at times. Hhow awesome would it be to be hand free while holding your baby. SIGN ME UP! I was excited registering for our baby shower(one baby Bjorn please) and even more thrilled when we received it as a gift. I couldn't WAIT to put my baby in it. Well when he was 2 months old I got the chance I was trying to clean up and baby wasn't having it. Bjorn to the rescue.


These carriers are great for short trips and using it for a short period of time.

After doing some research I found out that it's important for babies spine and hip development to have an ergonomic seat(like the letter M) and these particular carriers put all the pressure on the babies front section and dangles their legs. You can make this carrier ergonomically correct by adding a scarf(great video found on YouTube)

I knew I would be baby carry a lot so I "upgraded" to the Ergo when my son was 3 months. This took pressure off his legs and gave my back a break as well(this carrier can be used with a newborn you can purchase the newborn insert or use a rolled up receiving blanket) Ergo was a step up from the Bjorn for us. We went with the sport ergo since we used it to walk(1-3 miles) and I would use this for runs to the grocery store, outings and cooking and cleaning around the home. You can find some similar brands for as low as $30


This was great and we used it all the time. My husband even got in on the fun. But my son was the kind of baby that would lean back and he was 20lbs at 3 months. One of the moms in a playgroup told me about the Tula (this carrier can be used with a newborn, you can purchase the insert or use a rolled up receiving blanket) and I have never looked back. This is my carrier and I love it! The waist belt is bigger than the ergo, the back panel is higher and this distributes his weight even more. I have a standard size that goes up to 45lbs. But if my son is no longer sitting ergonomically in the carrier Tula makes a toddler size. We loved them so much we bought two. One to keep in the car and one for home. I use it all the time. For cooking,cleaning,when baby is fussy,amusement parks,zoo,library,museums,grocery shopping and the list goes on and on.


Now since we live in Florida and the sun is our next door neighbor lol I decided to try a linen Ring Sling from Sakura Bloom. I use this for quick trips and it's a lot cooler than my canvas Tula. I'm in love it's so light weight and my son loves it. There are MANY carries that you can do in this carrier and the colors that these come in are amazing. You can use this carrier with a newborn baby and the weight limit on these go up to 35 lbs. We are able to nurse discretely in all our carriers and it's nice to be hand free.
