Definition is the goal.

There are days when a messy bun or a fuzzy three day old twist out is fine for me. I don't really care about the definition. However, when I first set my hair I want it to be as defined as possible that way it can ensure that I will get the most out of my hair until my next wash day. I have been hearing a lot of three strand twist lately and I decided that I would put them up against my trusted braid out ( I use a braid out  for a more defined look) so if you would like to know how I ended up looking like this, just keep reading.

I started out on hair that was air dry. I did a hot oil treatment and washed my hair the previous day and had to run so I put in my leave in conditioner (Cantu Shea butter) and sealed it with JBCO (Jamaican Black castor oil) then put it in two  flat two strand twist. this allowed my hair to be stretched out without using heat.

Products are important as well and keep in mind that YOUR results will vary depending on the products as well as how wet your hair is (definition will be different if you set your hair on Wet, Damp or Dry hair) I used Entwine this is a line of products that I have recently fell in love with because it gives my hair all the moisture that is needs.

I was finished setting my hair, it didn't take that long maybe about an hour however switching from three strand twist to braids was a little confusing at first my hands still wanted to twist when I needed to braid lol. I put on my silk bonnet and went to bed. The next morning was the take down and I was excited to see what side would be more defined.

I think the jury is in I am in LOVE with three strand twist outs. the definition that it gives my hair is AMAZING

If you are curious how to set your hair in two strand twist there is a very helpful tutorial that I found on YouTube and you can watch it here.