Bright Lips in the City..

Bright colorful lips have always been a fashion statement, it has been a great way to make a formal outfit POP or even add drama to an outfit on the runway. But what about ordinary everyday wear is the bright lip a staple that you can wear when rocking your tank top and jeans. OF COURSE IT IS!!!The colors are endless to choose from but I am going to show you my two favorites that I am rockin' right now. Before I put on ANY lipstick you want to make sure  that your lips are smooth..there is no faster way to kill an outfit then lips looking like Arizona in a drought! CRACK IS WACK!

So make sure exfoliate your lips before putting on your amazing lip color that you choose. I make my own by using honey, olive oil and sugar. Once you have exfoliated you want to use a base chapstick my favorite is eos

This always keeps my lips smooth and helps to make your lips kissable :)

Now everyone knows that the red lip is a fashion statement but you can rock this while going to the grocery store as well. My favorite is Makeup Forever in Moulin Rouge

Make Up For Ever #43 Moulin Rouge Rouge Artist Intense Lipstick

It sells at Sephora for $19 and it is such and INTENSE red. I have worn this to a wedding as well as everyday wear and it looks fab

My other go to BRIGHT lip is Make Up For Ever Neons Rouge

Make Up For Ever Neons Rouge Artist Intense 36

This lipstick also sells fot $16 at sephora. I have to admit I wear this one OUT I use it all the time. It's perfect for making any outfit look like a million bucks

Hopefully this will inspire you to get out there and experiment with color, whether it's red, pink, orange,purple or whatever your hearts desire. just get out to the store and look around and I know you will find a color that works for you. HAPPY HUNTING

"Ohhhh, that Orange will look FAB!"