You've decided to go natural..Now what?

I have have to admit that I have been on my natural hair care journey for the past 7 years now. However I didn't fully commit to it until December of 2011, I was one of those people that would decide to go natural and then 7 months later after my perm I didn't have a clue what to do with my hair and I would just chemically treat it again. This was an ongoing cycle for 7 YEARS!!

taken 12/9/08 Transitioning

Perm on 2/11/11

It is so hard to commit to natural hair at first because we are so used to conforming to the "norm" and there was a time when natural hair was considered "nappy" and people thought you just didn't do your hair. I could remember my friends and family saying to me.."you need to comb your hair before you go out in public with me" that as so discouraging and I really had no where to turn too. I didn't know that there were sites like or or even YouTube video tutorials out there to help me through my transitioning phase.I was so grateful that when I decided to chop off all the perm I had left on my head in December 2011 that I decided to look at YouTube and get on the internet. There was a plethora of information at my finger tips and it helped me see women that were in my shoes talk about the products they use and tips on how they were going natural.It has now become a movement of women who are embracing what god has given them, some are transitioning because of cost (hey I moved to the country because of my husband and I originally started transitioning because there was no one out there to perm my hair) there are some out there transitioning because they want to see what their natural hair looks like. whatever the reason is that you are transitioning I just want to say stick to it! there will be hills and valleys just like any life changing decision that you make. but remember there are plenty of people out there that you can turn to. I stumbled across this website and I REALLY wish it was available when I was transitioning its calledwww.transitioningmovement.comThis is a wonderful place that you can go to and place questions on forums and learn how to work with your natural hair. So you've decided to go natural now what? Just remember with natural hair there are no "bad" hair days you can rock whatever you want and just keep MOISTURIZING! :)Deciding to become natural was one of the best decisions of my life I have never been happier and my hair it the healthiest it has ever been.