Posts tagged family time
Soundtrack to my 2018

I’ve been blogging since 2013, and I love looking back and seeing my growth and also the things I am still working on. This year has been a whirlwind, and when I look back at the pictures, I am still in awe at how our little family survived the hard times, laughed at the great times and learned from the challenges. Ten songs have been on rotation for me all year. I want to share with you my journey through the year by song.

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5 Disney Inspired Stores that you need to be shopping at!

I am always on the lookout for cute stores that have Disney inspired clothing, ears, blankets, etc. There is something about cuddling up with a blanket of our favorite character and looking at the movie that is just so sweet. I also love doing photo shoots with babies and toddler wearing their ears surrounded by their (ok really their parents if they are babies lol) favorite characters.

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Simple Ground Turkey Chili Recipe

One of the earliest recipes I learned how to make was at six years of age,  chili was the easiest thing to make. I could cook the meat. throw everything in the pot and go about my business playing. Now the ingredients have changed just a bit and I am older and can actually cook without a step stool. There is just something about chili that makes you feel all warm and cozy. It's also an easy meal to make for large amounts of people.  Below is my favorite easy chili recipe.

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Summer Loving

I feel like I just blinked and my summer is almost over. Here we are in the middle of September and a week away from Autumn (in Florida that means very little lol) I am excited for some fall festivities (sunflower maze, hay rides etc) I wanted to take a moment and share with you all some of my favorite moments from my summer. This summer started out a little stressful. We had to fly back home to MI for an impromptu trip for health reasons.

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Why I started taking my kids to restaurants at 3 days old.

By the time MY kids were born I had more than Cabin Fever. I was O-V-E-R seeing my furniture and sitting in bed. Both of my children were born at the start of flu season so I knew I had to take precautions ie. wash hands before I touched them(or use hand sanitizer) Make sure that no one would touch them. Make sure they had a cover over them etc. I also reasoned that since I was breastfeeding they would get some antibodies and that was a plus side.

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Legoland Florida- Beach Retreat review

Living in the sunshine state there are PLENTY of things to do. Sometimes they have amazing Groupon as well that you can check out amazing deals and try something you have never done before. This was the case when we decided to take the kids to Legoland Beach retreat. My husband has been working a lot and we just wanted a night away. We decided to go in the middle of the week so it wouldn't be so crowded. The cool thing about this hotel is that there individual bungalows.

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